Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Marching, shuffling, rolling, tip-toeing and bouncing...

Picture this:  some thirty students, handsomely dressed, gigantic smiles plastered on many faces, fists pumping jubilantly in the air, some serious, intent on following the precise plan they practiced throughout the day.

Marching, shuffling, rolling, tip-toeing, bouncing, some needing guided assistance to their assigned seats while Rascal Flats My Wish  played in the background. 
James with his family
It's graduation day!!!  Everyone of these special kids has a Developmental Disability but yesterday I was privileged to witness a celebration of their great accomplishments.  If you had been there, perhaps tears would have rolled down your face as they did mine... how can one be unmoved by the sheer joy and pride on the faces of these young adults?

Yesterday was a special day for our very own James B!  James graduated from APS Transitions' CTAP program, a Career Transition Assistance Plan available through our public schools in Albuquerque. James was a featured speaker and did a marvelous job.  Members of the Stride, Inc. team were there to cheer him on and were gratified to hear him proclaim that his goal of finding employment has been reached.

Stride would like to thank our customers who make the hiring of James and all of our team members possible.  OfficeMax, Office Depot, Staples, School Specialty, WB Mason, United Stationers and SP Richards Company - your support of our products helps keep our Mission alive!

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